Lego Minifigures series 3
Dropped on the third of this month. Kinda rare, but not hard to find. Each of the three existing series contains 16 unique figures that are exclusive to these release.
I ending up getting the 60ct box because it was taking way too long for D and i to decipher the code located on the back of each package. Prior to this series, Lego had specific barcodes that were on the back, that you were able to decode. Not this time around; now there are these incredibly difficult to see. brail-like bumps, located on the very bottom the tabs. Shits are hard as hell to see, and some of the packages, at least in the box that I purcaseed, didn't even have the bumps.
Nonetheless, I got the 10 minifigs that I wanted. The 60 ct box ran me for $191, but I'm gonna return the ones I don't want. Each package is $2.99