Clothing Edition. I haven't hit any retail stores up in a few months it feels like. Correction, I've gone but I haven't actually bought anything in a minute. So with spring around the corner (I hope) and with a few gift cards, as well as coupons in hand, D and I decided to hit a few stores up and see what new items are in stock. Here's what I ended up with:

I haven't got down with Khaki's in a few years; one grows tired of wearing/seeing/doing the same thing(s) repeatedly, over an extended amount of time, no? Generally speaking, I think so; such was the case with khaki's for me, but being that it's been so long, I figured I'd try to find a pair that I'd be happy with rocking. I'm not quite sold on this pair, but I'm gonna give it a few weeks before I decide on if I'm gonna keep them or not.
So here's a small dilemma I'm having: I have two stripe shirts, slightly different in style, but blue and striped all the same. I don't necessarily think I need them both, but I am willing to keep both, with the argument that they are after all, "slightly" different. Any suggestions on if I should return the one I just purchased over the weekend? Should I keep both? If I HAD to choose, I'd keep the one right below this paragraph.

If I end up keeping them both, I'd end up with this: two tees and a long-sleeved henley, total. At least they're all different, right? RIGHT??