On this exact date next month, D and I will officially be homeowners. I've kept this information secretive because I'm somewhat superstitious, and I didn't wanna be like, "we're buying a house", when we had only put an offer in. Anyone and everyone who's been following my blog for the past year or longer, knows we've been stacking, as well as looking for a home. We've been saving for a minute, but the funny thing is, it seemed like forever
during the saving, but now that we are actually purchasing this home, it seems like the past few years went by fast.
Shit's pretty crazy though; we're actually getting our
dream home, in the location that we wanted to live in, but thought was WAY out of our reach.
Okay, so with all that said, let's get to the facts: The home that we're purchasing is a Victorian home. For those who aren't familiar with the term, look it up. lol..I'm only being half-serious. A Victorian is basically a home that was built during the 19th century, and early 20th; it has distinct features and characteristics that make it this particular style of home.
We don't know the exact year our home was built, because records weren't kept until 1902; so it's safe to say our home predates that date, and was probably built somewhere around the late 1800's. Imagine that. I really don't know any other young couple, or anyone for that matter, who's ideal/dream home would be a home built well-over 100 years ago.
Just to put this in perspective; there were NO planes when this house was built. The Wright brothers didn't take flight until 1903. Here's another fact: this house was built YEARS before the titanic sunk.
I'm honestly in love with this house, man. It's a GOON. big as all hell, has a basement, two floors and full attic, as well as a two-car, detached garage, with a huge loft above. Dig this: Our crib got TWO staircases in it. Ask about us.
It's way more room than the three of us (D, London, and me) need, but we have all the room we could possibly want to grow as a family. I'm talking bout more dogs, not kids. I don't wanna give away too many details, because we're gonna do a good amount of work to the house to make it into the home we want it to be; the house is move-in ready, but we're gonna make some adjustments to make what we want it to be. As always, I am gonna post everything that occurs along the way, as is D. We already started a blog dedicated to the house:
onefifteenbroad.tumblr.com Be sure to check it out because I may not upload
everything on here.
So, with all of that said..Here's our home right below. Detailed photos coming in a month!

Shit has more character(s) than a marvel vs. capcom game! I got that copyrighted; don't use that phrase without paying me.