Tuesday, December 25, 2012
wdiwt (12/24/12)
I was feeling kinda festive and remembered I had these. One of my favorite dunk hi's, the, "Goofy Boy's".
Amazingly, we're at the end of the year, and I haven't purchased a single pair of dunks, not even from fcny. I guess you can say I've just moved on to better and more important things. We'll see what 2013 brings though.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Washington D.C.
A few days before Hurricane Sandy hit, Denise and I spent her birthday (weekend included) in our nation's capitol; that's Washington D.C. for you slower folk. It was my first time visiting, and I'll admit, I loved it there. It's a great area with, amazing old homes, and everything is just about within walking distance. The weather was ideal, and we were able to visit some amazing historic sites, as well as great retail stores. Coincidently, the time we spent here was right before the re-election of our president; I definitely wanted to visit before everything went down with the election and such (basically i wanted to visit while Barack was still in charge, in case the other guy won).
I didn't take too many photos, just a small handful of digital ones, but I did shoot with my hasselblad, and I did take a god amount that are posted on instagram. Look me up and check'em out ( @sincerest2you). One day soon, I'll get around to developing my film, and I'll post the results on here.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Monday, October 22, 2012
Currently watching the final debate. I've got to say, McCain (the maverick) was a bit more entertaining than this guy Romney, but that, "Binders full of Women" shit had me in stitches.
On a more serious note, get out there and vote, viewers. If you can wait in line for sneakers, new iphones, and to get into the clubs, you can certainly wait in line to make a real difference in your life, and future. #OBAMA2012
Halloween is without a doubt, one of my favorite, "holidays"; it really doesn't get any better than frightening decorations, scary movies, and candy (except for Christmas).
This year, was our first year decorating our home, and we had a great time doing so. Granted, we aren't quite finished yet, but D and I have been enjoying every minute of the time spent together, "spooking" the crib up.
I purchased a pair of these 4 foot tall skeletons last year in preparation for this year. Actually, I purchased a ton of decorations last year for this year. That's just how I role; I'm a sucker for day-after sales.
Our goal is to always keep it basic, as well as retro, when it comes to decorating. This skele-man is a throwback to the now vintage decorations folk used to put on their front doors, windows, etc.. We're not about that inflatable lawn nonsense you see people putting in front of their homes, or the tacky decorations that aren't even scary. I want my house to be scary enough that kids don't come and I keep the candy for myself! That's what I'm about.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Puerto Rico.
Taking a much needed break from the life of home renovations. It took over a year to do so and you know what? That's that shit I don't like. Seriously though, it was good to have a change of scenery and I'm looking forward to taking another vaca much sooner next time around.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Shit Just got Real.
If you've been following me on instagram (@sincerest2you) you already know about this gem. For those of you who aren't a, "follower"...Shame on you. Anyway, I recently picked up this vintage Hasselblad from my local camera shop. It was sitting there for a year with no interest from anyone else (surprisingly) so I (along with D) decided to make the investment of adding it to our growing collection. Although I haven't shot with it as yet, I'm extremely excited to do so.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Some of you viewers might not recognize that gadget on the right. Or perhaps you've seen it, are aware of what it is, but don't really know or appreciate its true awesomeness. This device folks, is the revolutionary Game Boy. I can't front, I never had the one shown, the original; I think for the average kid, if you were lucky, you owned either a game gear, OR Game boy, but not both. I was a game gear owner, but that's for another post.
I scored this Game Boy recently at a local flea market for just ten dollars, really not a bad deal at all, but I've read of people getting them plus games (plural) for half that, at random yard sales. Needless to say, I'm hot on pursuit of that deal. Considering the age of these things, It's not a bad idea to have more than one, a backup if you will. And considering what some folk are willing to pay for them online, if I can score more for cheap and make a little change off of them, why the heck not? I want'em more for nostalgia rather than to make a buck, but I'm not gonna complain if I gain a little profit, dig?
Anyway, I'm not gonna get into details of what makes the Game Boy so damn cool, or why it is such a revolutionary gaming device and device in general; that's for you to research if you so choose. What I will tell you, is that I'm happy to finally own one (in great shape) after all these years, and if you're in possession of one you wanna toss my way (figuratively), hit me up.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
I took this photo a few years back while in Rome. I've wanted a Hass since then, and finally, I was fortunate enough to recently get my hands on one.
I haven't had the time to shoot with it as yet, but I'm looking forward to it, as well as shooting manually, something a lot you out there have very little experience with, yes?
Posts will soon follow of my results with this beast. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
Remember when these dropped ten years ago and nobody wanted them? Are you even old enough to recall? Not a sole (pun intended) liked these olives when they last released, and now everyone online is claiming that these are one of their favorite colorways of all time and how they can't wait until they drop. It amazes me what people do or say, in an attempt to fit in.
The sneaker culture is in such a mess, for so many reasons; the masses are so blind to it, it's not even funny.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
WDIWT (6/18/12)
We getting there...I've fallen off on the uploads, I know, but I'll be back on the regular in the near future. For the loyal followers, as well as the new-comers, feel free to look me up on instagram, where I upload almost on a daily basis.
Anyhow, Yellow Curbs, one of those forgotten pairs of mine. These, "go hard" as the kids would say. They're a nice combo of materials; I'm not all that fond of the patent leather, but I don't totally hate it either.
More photos in the near future; I'm shooting for at least one post a week.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Friday, June 8, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Dynamic Duo.
Throwback Thursday. It's a term I've grown to despise, mainly because it requires me having to see crap-photos of people doing dumb shit; I hate it. If you're on instagram, then you know what I'm referring to. Every week I have to deal with seeing photos of polaroids of people when they were in high school, grade school, in their mother's womb, etc..Listen, I don't give a shit; no one gives a shit. If you don't have the decency to post a QUALITY image, like the one you see above, then don't post a thing for, "throwback thursday". Do me and your contacts a favor. Thanks.
Now that I've gotten that off of my chest; here's a photo of D and I on our way to Antigua last year. I'm gonna get around to shooting some new material, as well as posting a little more frequently; I've just been busy with the house renovation (which is coming along smoothly).
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Dining Room.
We had NO idea we'd be doing a complete renovation to our home when we purchased it, but after seeing it all come together, we couldn't be any happier with our decision to do so.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
WDIWT (5/4/12)
See what I did right there? Purple blazers to match the hulk's pants.
The Avengers was the BEST Marvel movie to come out thus far; fan or not, it's a must-see. When that sequel drops, shit will without a doubt get real. If you stayed until past the credits and saw that Thanos clip, then you know what it is.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Recent Pickup.
Picked up my first TLR a few weeks back for a great price. It's circa 1957/58 and is in amazing shape considering its age. Every part of the camera seems to be functioning, so all that's left to do is purchase some film to know for sure if it actually works. regardless of if it does or not, it's a beautiful camera and a great addition to my collection.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
WDIWT (4/30/12)
French Blue xii's (2003 Release)
Passed on the 2012 playoffs. They looked fake as all hell to me and my '04's look better. I'm undecided about the obsidians; at first, they were a no-brainer considering I was never able to get my hands on the original pair, but a majority of these jb releases are looking real sketchy, and I'd prefer not to waste my money on 'em.
Passed on the 2012 playoffs. They looked fake as all hell to me and my '04's look better. I'm undecided about the obsidians; at first, they were a no-brainer considering I was never able to get my hands on the original pair, but a majority of these jb releases are looking real sketchy, and I'd prefer not to waste my money on 'em.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Master (In progress).

So, we're nearing the end of the master bedroom project; we've completely gutted the existing walls (and ceiling), re-insulted, placed up new walls, and also are doing the same in the closet. We've got the first coat of primer on, and are on the verge of adding a second, then painting, then stripping and re-staining the floors. A few more minor details after that (installing light fixtures, painting the baseboards and trim, etc..) and this room will be a wrap.
It's kinda crazy how much work this room needed, how far we've come in this room alone, and how damn sexy it's about to look in just a few more weeks. When this project is done, it's back to the kitchen, then the entry way, More photos to come.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012

So, I haven't spoken much, if at all, about the house and whatever updates that have been occurring. This post will be no different. I'm just playing. There's actually been a lot going on, and I've just been too busy to take the time to share it all. Basically, we've done about 80% of the first floor, as far as restorations go. This includes redoing the hardwood floors, restoring radiators, painting (loads of painting), and doing a ton of demolition.
We're currently working on the master bedroom, and as far as that goes, we've taken down the initial walls and ceiling, put up brand new walls, as well as insulating (which was nonexistent). Once the master is complete, we're gonna finish the kitchen, which is currently gutted.
On a brighter note, we've purchased a brand new refrigerator, as well as two couches. I'm not one to brag, but I will say I'm extremely happy that all three were paid in full. That brings me to the main reason for this post. Now if you aren't aware of what you're looking at, it's the couch of all couches, period. Inspired by the classic Chesterfield style, we purchased ourselves a leather kensington from Restoration Hardware. I keep joking around and saying this is the type of couch you'd sit on and smoke a pipe, wearing a velvet robe (on some hugh hef type stuff). It's the type of couch you sit and drink scotch on the rocks, poured from a decanter, while playing chess and discussing politics, as well as the world. Get cultured.
Disregard the dirty floors; like I said before, we've been busy restoring this house.
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