The Force is strong with me; it's been confirmed. If you saw me in action, you'd agree that I'm a jedi in training too.
Got my Skunks early. Release date is next tuesday, but i'm gonna be on vaca for the week (outside the country), so I copped these highs today. Any other day, if I'm around on a release date, I'd just wait; but since I'm not gonna be here, I wanted to make sure I got my pair because my spot only got one 10.5
This wasn't at all what I had in mind for the photos i was gonna take of them, so I may end up shooting and posting my original idea before the end of the month.
My day, as well as the weather was kinda shitty overall, but whatever. If I get my GQ in the mail and my fcny pkg tomorrow, MAYBE it'll make up for today.
Nice pickup sir, I gotta get around to rocking mine, to take some pics of it, gotta do a youtube vid also...
I look forward to seeing both
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