What in the fuck is this honkie shit?! haven't been on yeezy's site that much since he changed ( i think the new one is TRASH) but i'm damn sure glad i did tonight.
Again. what in the FUCK is this?!? Not at all surprised at this cracker author, Nora Case (you know damn well she's white), nor am I surprised at the content of this book. I see all of this Cracker shit often when I hit up the local antique spots. all that mammy, watermelon, tar-baby ish.
I'm actually thankful to have access to seeing all of this ignorant bafoonery in the web and in stores; reminds me of how evil white people have been and still are in most cases. ignorant fucks. I mean, do we really look like that? have we EVER? honkie ass fucks.
Peep the, "two little nigger boys page". I wonder how that 3rd boy got stranded in the water? You tell me, whitey. Maybe after you kidnapped his ass, you threw him overboard!
Five little nigger boys page: who they running from? A, "white lion""? word? they were white back then or is that symbolic for your cracker asses chasing and tormenting them? you tell me, honkie.
No comment on the, "Seven little nigger" boys page
Mammy cameo on the, "10 boys page"
"white" bee hive on the six nigger girls page..Please.
Peep the color of the animals on the four, three, and two little nigger girls page(s) I'm sure, Nora. 'fuck outta here, bitch.
Either way, I thank the crackers for their dumbness and ignorance; I'll be sure to teach my kids (when I have some) all about these devils and their motives.
Bout to to see if I can find this book on ebay, lmao. i need this addition for my library.