Caught the midnight showing thurs/fri (I'm a fiend, I know). Movie was definitely a great sequel in my eyes. A definite Blu-ray cop when it drops later this year. Although I missed Terrance Howard, and would've much rather seen him over the darker dude (I forget his name), homeboy still did his thing. Kinda retarded scene about an hour into the movie but it could've been worse.
Stan Lee sighting in the 1st few minutes, Captain America Plug (crowd was dying of laughter), and Avengers plug towards the very end.
Oh yeah.. WDIWT for the movie: Pac man hi's x Invincible Iron man tee
dope fit man.
im bout to watch the bootleg...please dont kill me.
LMFAO..Yo, as long as you watch it, that's what's important. let me know what you think. post something here or on your blog.
lol aight...had a question is this a good camera?
It's the DMC-FH22
I was looking at higher end cameras, but I dont see the purpose of getting one, it's not like I'm a photographer or something. Thanks man
Bout to click on this link right now. Get back to you in a sec.
damn these some nice super high def ass pics...those pacmans lookin so damn sexy in these...man o man
good looking! i appreciate the love
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