What you're looking at is a result of the destructive ways of London. Chewed right through my USB cable for my PS3, and thus somehow frying my controller. This crime occurred saturday night, and to say I was mad is of course an understatement. To replace these two pieces would've ran me $65, not including tax. I need not tell you my cheap ass wasn't about to drop that kind of money. I'll drop bread on sneakers, easily. You already know that, but on a cord and controller? Psh.
With that said, here's my solution. Use the force. If you don't already know, it's STRONG with me. Noon on Sunday, I took my cheap ass to Walmart, bought ANOTHER PS3 and..Swapped the usb AND controller. HARD. Monday, took my ass BACK to Walmart, and returned the merchandise. They got searched pretty thoroughly too. Lady took the PS3 out, checked examined it, controllers, cords, etc. While her back was turned, I waved my hand and said, "Everything is fine. All is in tact. I will refund your money now", and as expected, the woman said to me, "Everything is fine. All is in tact. I will refund your money now". Of course you will, lady; you just had the force used on you. End of story. I got my Cord and a dualshock 3, which I didn't have already.
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[Denzel in American Gangsta] My Man! [/Denzel in American Gangsta]
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