I swore I had these up already but I didn't see them anywhere. Nothing new; been a little too busy to shoot and upload anything. I got a few gems this month, which I plan to throw up here soon. In the meantime, I'm posting these by request; I had a new guest to the blog ask to see some more Jordan uploads. I'll be sure to post more soon, but you can feel free to click on the photos. They will take you too my flickr, which also has more photos.
I really wish I didnt go on my "jordans are ass cuz everybody got em" spell...i missed out on some nice shit.
but MY DUDE...u have see this shit
lol..I feel you, homie. I'm still going thru that myself. bout to peep this link right now.
A man of his word. Good looking out.
I missed this boat when they came out. I had just got married and my funds were low. Damn Gina! I think they were $200 when they came out. I've seen them on Ebay and Flight Club way over that price. It's harder to find them together in my size. But I did find my size in each colorway by themselves. Definitley on my list!
After reading this comment, I hit up fcny to check the prices, and GAWD DAMN! You weren't lying when you said they were WAY over price. I feel you on the funds being low at the time; happens to us all.
One pair (or more) always slip away for whatever reason. I say you have the Mrs. make it up to you as an anniversary gift, lol.
Speaking of Ebay, I just checked how much a pair of DS Old Love,New Love sold for. They sold for $520. $520!! Man I wish i would of copped them when they were a measly $200. Lol! I feel ya on getting them for anniversary.
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