Hit up this Mall in NJ (with D) to run some errands (planned event) and saw a table with 4 desktops moreorless right in in the middle of the place. My first thought: open my blog on every single one and walk away, lmao. Unfortunately, only one was up and running though. Better than nothing.
I'll make sure to repeat this act of shamelessly plugging my blog wherever I (we) go that has a computer with internet access.
Peep Deftronic's act of shamelessly plugging his ish on his blog: deftronic.com
GENIUS!...i may have to bite...library's beware!
We gotta get the word out any way we can. Nothing beats doing it for free!
I can only imagine say a dozen computers lined up with "deftronic.com" on every screen! LOL. Gotta take a pic of that when you do it.
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