Monday, October 22, 2012


Currently watching the final debate. I've got to say, McCain (the maverick) was a bit more entertaining than this guy Romney, but that, "Binders full of Women" shit had me in stitches. On a more serious note, get out there and vote, viewers. If you can wait in line for sneakers, new iphones, and to get into the clubs, you can certainly wait in line to make a real difference in your life, and future. #OBAMA2012


Halloween is without a doubt, one of my favorite, "holidays"; it really doesn't get any better than frightening decorations, scary movies, and candy (except for Christmas). This year, was our first year decorating our home, and we had a great time doing so. Granted, we aren't quite finished yet, but D and I have been enjoying every minute of the time spent together, "spooking" the crib up. I purchased a pair of these 4 foot tall skeletons last year in preparation for this year. Actually, I purchased a ton of decorations last year for this year. That's just how I role; I'm a sucker for day-after sales. Our goal is to always keep it basic, as well as retro, when it comes to decorating. This skele-man is a throwback to the now vintage decorations folk used to put on their front doors, windows, etc.. We're not about that inflatable lawn nonsense you see people putting in front of their homes, or the tacky decorations that aren't even scary. I want my house to be scary enough that kids don't come and I keep the candy for myself! That's what I'm about.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

FINALLY! Season 3 of The Walking Dead premieres tonight!