Thursday, June 30, 2011


Old Hitching post in town, from the pre-car days. This was used to tie your horse to so it wouldn't stray away. Crazy how this thing is still in the ground, and looks as good as it does.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Images from out first trip together, early in our relationship; I've only posted a few photos from this trip, as they were pre-blog, and I just never got around to it. 'd like to post more eventually though.

We didn't go at the most ideal time (February) nor did we visit as many sights as we should have, due to the weather, and the fact that we weren't as experienced as we are now when it comes to traveling.

We definitely have every intention of revisiting during a warmer part of the year, and seeing a lot more than we did last time. We did cover the basics though: The Red Light District, and The Red Light District. LMAO. And of course, we visited the um.."herbal" shops and pubs as well.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Breaking News: New Pickup

On this exact date next month, D and I will officially be homeowners. I've kept this information secretive because I'm somewhat superstitious, and I didn't wanna be like, "we're buying a house", when we had only put an offer in. Anyone and everyone who's been following my blog for the past year or longer, knows we've been stacking, as well as looking for a home. We've been saving for a minute, but the funny thing is, it seemed like forever during the saving, but now that we are actually purchasing this home, it seems like the past few years went by fast.

Shit's pretty crazy though; we're actually getting our dream home, in the location that we wanted to live in, but thought was WAY out of our reach.

Okay, so with all that said, let's get to the facts: The home that we're purchasing is a Victorian home. For those who aren't familiar with the term, look it up. lol..I'm only being half-serious. A Victorian is basically a home that was built during the 19th century, and early 20th; it has distinct features and characteristics that make it this particular style of home.

We don't know the exact year our home was built, because records weren't kept until 1902; so it's safe to say our home predates that date, and was probably built somewhere around the late 1800's. Imagine that. I really don't know any other young couple, or anyone for that matter, who's ideal/dream home would be a home built well-over 100 years ago.

Just to put this in perspective; there were NO planes when this house was built. The Wright brothers didn't take flight until 1903. Here's another fact: this house was built YEARS before the titanic sunk.

I'm honestly in love with this house, man. It's a GOON. big as all hell, has a basement, two floors and full attic, as well as a two-car, detached garage, with a huge loft above. Dig this: Our crib got TWO staircases in it. Ask about us.

It's way more room than the three of us (D, London, and me) need, but we have all the room we could possibly want to grow as a family. I'm talking bout more dogs, not kids. I don't wanna give away too many details, because we're gonna do a good amount of work to the house to make it into the home we want it to be; the house is move-in ready, but we're gonna make some adjustments to make what we want it to be. As always, I am gonna post everything that occurs along the way, as is D. We already started a blog dedicated to the house: Be sure to check it out because I may not upload everything on here.

So, with all of that said..Here's our home right below. Detailed photos coming in a month!

Shit has more character(s) than a marvel vs. capcom game! I got that copyrighted; don't use that phrase without paying me.


This muh'fucka scared the shit out of me today! Thought it was a small bird or a bat or something. Looks like an ant on roids. I'm scared just looking at the photos..

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Game Boy

Game Boy Color x Pokemon Silver.

After over a decade, both remain in great, working condition. I'd say this version of the Game Boy is probably the best-looking one that Nintendo released.

Friday, June 24, 2011

New Pickup.

Nike SB Dunk Low, "UK Passport".

Hands down, my favorite dunk to drop thus far, this year. Suede upper, tumbled toebox and side panel. Really looking forward to when the US Passports drop.


Red Stripe

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Contribution Made

So the online store for the Obama/Biden 2012 campaign is officially up and running; you can purchase buttons, as well as bumper stickers and tees, all at a very reasonable price. Not to mention, the proceeds help fund the campaign. I just made my contribution, although a little early, because I didn't want the items that I ordered to be sold out.

Feel free to click on the screenshot, which will take you directly to the online store, to make your own contributions to the upcoming campaign and election.

Don't be cheap either; this is going to a great cause. Take a break from buying your jordans and ugly-ass wood necklaces and support OUR president (and VP).


Wanna see something dope on my part? Take a look at that big drop in the center of the photo down there.

Corner of Broad & Bryant.

Mannn, it was coming down a few hours ago!


Love that, "street art".

Monday, June 20, 2011


Eh..Kinda getting tired of the City. It was our first week back since February, and there really wasn't anything at all that great or exciting there.

The weather was pleasant though, and we got great parking. We picked up a few inexpensive items, which was a plus, but I would've been totally contempt staying local.

You take the good with the bad though; without going to NY, we wouldn't have gotten the items that we did get.

This spot, "Toy Tokyo" is pretty dope; it had all kinds of rare and hard to find figures, new and old, all fairly priced too.

I'll probably post the remainder of the photos I took, within a day or two. I've been shooting with both Canon and Nikon lately, and as a result, I've got photos on different memory cards. I'll get to the other ones in due time.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Not sure what this is but it looked like a dandelion on steroids!

A bug's life.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Last of the money shots I took.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I have yet claim a pair of sneakers as my, "grails", but shiiiiit...These two are definitely up there. Along with the bred III's.