Saturday, June 19, 2010


I love to travel but really hate packing. I always over pack, and I'm always concerned about what sneakers to wear, end up bring too many pairs, and don't wear them because..well..I don't know why. Sometimes it's just too hot and I don't wanna wear whatever outfit I had originally planned to wear, and thus end up wearing ball shorts and slippers.

I'm starting to question why I even have so many sneakers and go through the troubles I sometimes do to acquire various pairs. My conclusion is this: I'm a collector, NOT a sneakerhead. Collectors buy things just because they want it, and to say they have it when they finally get it (ie: cars, artwork etc..). Classic car owners will buy a car, and drive it maybe once a week, if that. Artwork is purchased merely to hang on a wall and be viewed upon and spoken about at parties and gatherings. Conversational pieces. I've come to realize such is the case with my sneakers. I buy them, rarely wear them, but love to have them to say I own that. For the most part, I have no intentions of selling pieces of my, "collection".

I've only recently started to collect; I have pairs that I've owned for years, and coincidently refuse to part with. Other pairs I'm willing to part with. Some I will keep for nostalgic purposes, because they remind me of a time and/or place from my childhood.

I got way off my original topic; my intentions were to say that I dislike packing, and also where D and I are going. We're heading to Orlando for a few days, going to the wizarding world of Harry Potter, and I'm stoked to say the least. I'm thankful I'm able to go, and so soon, considering the park just opened yesterday. D isn't even into HP but is willing to go. Thats love, but like she just brought to my attention, I'm not really into SATC, but I still watch it and and show interest in it.

It's our differences as well as our similarities that bring us together. We share a unique, tight-knitted bond.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was amazing, do the wand experience and drink a butterbeer! I had a blast here: